The project in question, relating to the theme of Enhancement of potential ‘TOURIST METHODS’, includes, in addition to material interventions, complementary intangible actions to support the interventions, such as activities of participative involvement of local ‘non-profit’ associations, through communication, dissemination and awareness-raising actions.
If the concept of safeguarding, recovering and protecting the architectural heritage of this urban reality, can also be extended to the recovery of peculiar craft activities, as well as the protection, preservation and historical-anthropic valorisation of places, then the proposed project work makes profound sense in making a dynamic system of high cultural and economic purpose, whose repercussions on the economic system, not only local but district-wide, will produce benefits and advantages, thereby fostering and integrating social, cultural and economic development in the light of sustainable tourism, also with a view to inclusive tourism.
In fact, entering these urban realities, today partially abandoned, in addition to allowing cultural visions, being able to appreciate the specific building typologies, most of which are today almost completely unpublished and unknown, precisely the implementation of a programme to favour their accessibility, would allow them to participate in the collective knowledge, thus snatching them from the dormant oblivion, in which they currently find themselves.
And all this, must be characterised with the necessary alienation of materials extraneous to these contexts, first and foremost asphalt, which still characterises much of the historic centre’s road system.
It gave a sense of serene harmony, much more the dirt road hemmed in by the paving stones of the past, up to the past generation of the 1950s, than the current state, characterised by paving stones and asphalt.
The project itself, for a total amount of € 970,000.00, is part of a complex and extensive urban area (historical centre) and aims at the urban regeneration of the same, which is currently underway.